Restaurant Employee Handbook – Sample

We are pleased to present a sample employee handbook written for The Mango Tree Restaurant as part of their comprehensive staff training program.  Page 2 of this sample shows the Table of Contents to display the topics covered throughout the handbook.

The Employee Handbook includes an acknowledgement page where the employee signs for the receipt and understanding of the contents and receives a printable Certificate of Acknowledgement.

Contact us today to see how we can develop an Employee Handbook for your organization!

Contact Mary P Parker

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Employee Handbook

Welcome to the Mango Tree! We are delighted to have you join our team and have prepared this handbook to provide guidance about working with us, what we expect of you and what you can expect from us.

Our mission at The Mango Tree is to provide an exceptional dining experience for our guests and we rely on our entire team to make that happen. Much of our business is “word of mouth” and repeat business so it is essential that we all understand the importance of customer satisfaction and the reputation of The Mango Tree Restaurant.

We are a family-owned business and our goal is to encourage a pleasant work environment for our employees where there is open communication, team spirit and a place where you can be proud to work.

The Mango Tree has an open door policy and we take our employee’s questions, suggestions, concerns and problems seriously. We value each employee and strive to provide a positive work experience.  Employees are encouraged to bring any workplace concerns, ideas or problems they might have or know about to their supervisor or some other member of management.

Our Employee Handbook, Training Manuals and any of our other employee materials is not all inclusive or intended to provide strict interpretations of our policies; rather, it offers an overview of our work environment. This handbook is not a contract, expressed or implied, guarantying employment for any length of time.


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The Mango Tree Employee Manual – Page 1

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